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    Transforming Cold Calls & Mass Marketing into Targeted Success: NSP’s Journey

    Network Service Providers (NSP) struggled with outdated marketing and sales approaches. Cold calls and broad, impersonal campaigns failed to generate high-quality leads, and their disconnected tech stack offered little visibility into customer engagement. NSP turned to RECIPE marketing to implement a HubSpot-driven inbound strategy that unified their sales and marketing efforts, creating a seamless, data-driven system.



    NSP’s marketing and sales teams operated in silos, relying on traditional, one-to-many marketing that delivered poor results. Sales teams had to resort to manual cold calling with limited success, while marketing had little visibility into what worked. Disjointed systems prevented collaboration and left both teams unable to capitalise on data or customer insights.

    THE RECIPE: Integrated Inbound Marketing & Sales with HubSpot

    RECIPE marketing helped NSP implement HubSpot, transforming their operations by:

    • Creating targeted, personalised campaigns that replaced broad outreach
    • Consolidating marketing and sales data into one platform for real-time insights
    • Automating lead nurturing to reduce cold calling and enhance sales efficiency

    This transformation bridged the gap between marketing and sales, allowing them to work cohesively to drive business growth.

    Sales and marketing working together


    Sales Impact
    NSP’s cold calls reduced significantly as automated, nurtured leads became sales-ready. The sales team could focus on high-value prospects, increasing their efficiency and closing rates.

    Marketing Impact
    Personalised marketing campaigns drove higher engagement, delivering more qualified leads to sales. With visibility into customer interactions, marketing could quickly adjust strategies to optimise results.

    Business Growth
    By unifying their efforts, NSP saw improved lead quality, increased conversions, and long-term client retention, setting the foundation for scalable growth.

    PNG HubSpot illustration




    This transformation didn’t just improve NSP’s marketing and sales individually—it changed how they approached business growth entirely. By adopting a unified, data-driven approach, NSP built a seamless customer journey from marketing outreach to sales conversion, significantly improving efficiency and results across both functions.

    the business impact



    "We were introduced to RECIPE marketing via HubSpot Australia, while assessing CRM/Marketing Automation platforms. A large part of our decision to proceed with HubSpot was due to the high level of confidence we had in RECIPE to deploy. This assumption was strengthened with each interaction we had with RECIPE marketing. They have listened, and constantly seek to understand our business before making assumptions. They have been 100% committed to creating an environment of success for NSP. The high-level thinking that has been applied to our deployment that has ensured a strong base to our CRM is already benefiting our organisation. I was able to create and send an effective COVID-19 campaign on the fly via HubSpot in one afternoon. This bodes well for future campaigning and sales automation. Thank you!"

    Leigh Robinson
    Marketing Manager

    "Our business chose RECIPE marketing to drive our HubSpot implementation. I have been in sales as both a leader and hunter for 13-years now, and working with RECIPE marketing I learnt it lot. To make the most of a CRM as powerful as HubSpot, you need clear processes and strategic direction, which RECIPE marketing has in spades.

    In our cluttered industry, you need a way to cut through the noise: RECIPE marketing taught me the technique of using video prospecting. Combined with using HubSpot to track my outreach, this has been a strategic and powerful tool. "

    Steve Hurst
    Commercial Manager, NSP


    Project: Marketing Automation Strategy, Marketing Platform Implementation and training
